Monday, October 13, 2008

Online Meet and Greets....Awful Idea

This Web Page brings up the notion of doing away with personal meet and greets and switching over to the web based version. The same article brings up the website LinkedIn. A woman by the name of Grace Change joined this professional social network. Via this site people can look at personal profiles and retain information such as operating industry field, salary, and personal information.

The concept of a Business Lunch hails all the way back to the olden ages where two individuals or more would gather to have a meal and later discuss business matter informally. These meetings people get to know one another and truly see how they can interact with others. These luncheons may determine whether or not someone gets employment or is allowed to start on a new project.

What happens if this business lunch turns into an internet based version where people use websites such as LinkedIn and such. I have preached this many times. People need to meet face to face to really get to know themselves. When people sit behind the screens of their laptops or desktops, they are not the same person if met face to face. I guarantee you this. Certain emotions, character traits, or comical jokes come out in a business lunch/ drink.

I also think that there is a fine line between efficeincy and loss of personal touch. I understand that this is a high paced world with bills to be collected around the corner, but should we really lose getting the chance to truly know a person. I do not agree with this e-business meet and greet. I think research should be made for a person's background and so forth via, the net but business execs should meet face to face to discuss business. Period.

Trust me, this is an horrible idea.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. The business lunch is a custom and so are normal face to face business meetings. What's next? Online happy hours sponsored by your company? That would be a nice cheap way to build unity among your staff. Some people believe that you can learn a lot about someone just with a handshake and a look in the eye, soon people will be choking their mouse and staring into their computer screens.

onyee4ejimuda said...

I wouldnt know where the idea is got that conducting business over the internet without interpersonal relationship is the best?From my blog, I was wondering about knowing which people that you can connect with and as Andrew mentioned, the best way is through face to face contact.

Anonymous said...

I agree that having meet-n-greets online are extremely impersonal and unprofessional. But for making changes in plans (as with social networking sites) or submitting documents (as with sites like Blackboard), these type of sites are fantastic for productivity and are more reliable than a phone tree or email.

Na Rae said...

I think,in business, shallow and wide relationships are more useful than deep, very personal realtionships. Some special web sites such as LinkedIn, it can help to make that kind of realtionship, but it cannot be a suitable place for doing actual business.