I have been using the mass form of communication and global awarness (aka the computer) since my early teens. Reading CNN, Motor Trend Magazine, ESPN, and Financial Times in no way ruined my culture-I promise you that. Hey, but I am sure there are plenty of kids and grown adults sitting on eBay, YouTube, or playing online games as the wee hours approach. But I do not think it was proper for Doris to go ahead and put comuters in a negative light. I'm sure there was more to her speech than the current article gives and I'm sure things were blown out of proportion, but I'm still sure that Doris does in fact think that "The Internet Makes Us Dumb".
Using the Internet I was able to find out that there are mini computers being delivered to developing areas of India and other South East nations to serve for educational purposes. Listen, it all depends on how you use it. If you are one of the brain-drainers, then that's your fault and not the Internet. If you chose to use your time learning and using a computer to your advantage, well then hats off to you sir.
I couldn't agree more. It's not the Internet that makes us dumb, it's dumb people abusing the Internet. I find it ironic that this woman was too old and too ill to give her own speech because she's likely to go to the doctor or hospital and they're likely to use the "dumb" Internet in some way to help her.
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